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Tecre’s Magnet Button

The magnet button is here to stay. It’s available in all of Tecre’s button sizes with the exception of the two largest sizes (that’s 27 sizes for those of you keeping count). All of the magnets have an adhesive back, allowing them to be adhered to a variety of flat back buttons.

(We interrupt this blog post for a friendly PSA. Tecre’s magnet buttons are not to be confused with badge magnets which work on shirts. The magnet button Tecre sells adheres to metal surfaces such as refrigerators, filing cabinets, and lockers!)

magnet button making supplies
Magnet Buttons from Badge Bomb

No matter the metal surface, the magnet button is a popular adornment. And why shouldn’t it be? It’s trendy, hip, dare we say…cute? Can we call a button cute? I think we just did. If you explored the magnet button, you likely noticed the various backs that are used to make magnets. Whether your particular button sizes uses a flat back or collet back, the result is the same. A handsome finished magnet back button (did the button just get an upgrade from cute to handsome? It sure did.)

magnet button making supplies
various backings of the magnet button making supplies

Fear not the complexity of the backing!  Please refer to the table below to see what kind of backing your button maker model may use. Tecre makes this easy – if you order your magnet buttons in the complete set, you will receive all the appropriate backings and pieces needed. If you have any questions regarding the magnet button, please email or phone us at (920)922-9168.

magnet button making supplies

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24 Responses to Tecre’s Magnet Button

  1. ANGIE LOVE says:

    Hi from Blenheim, New Zealand.
    I am interested in purchasing a Tecre magnet making machine…particular the one that makes multiple square magnets at a time – then shoots them into a catching tray! Could you email me some information please including the price to send to me in New Zealand.
    Thank you,
    Angie Love

  2. jessica laflamme says:

    i would love some info too

  3. Peggy Shaunessy says:

    I’m interested in more information about your magnet making machine that makes multiple square photo magnets at a time. The machine discharges the magnets into a catch tray. Please send information to my email. Do you ship to Canada?
    Peggy Shaunessy

    • Tecre says:

      Hello! It appears you are interested in Tecre’s electric button making equipment. You can see this product on our site. If you would like videos and information, please return to the blog homepage and search “electric” in the search box. There you will see maintenance videos and information on changing the diesets, etc. For more information, please email us at

  4. Kevin Pratt says:


    I am also interested in the Tecre magnet making machine…particular the one that makes multiple square magnets at a time – then shoots them into a catching tray! Could you email me some information please including the price to send to me in the United kingdom

    Kind Regards

    Thank you,

  5. Ashley says:

    I am interested in purchasing a Tecre magnet making machine…particular the one that makes multiple square magnets at a time – then shoots them out – please could you share info to me over email?

  6. Siza says:

    I’d like more information on the Tecre magnet making machine please. The machine makes multiple square magnets and discharges them. Kindly email information including the price. Looking forward to hearing from you..

  7. Drew Jack says:

    Hi there. I’m looking to purchase the magnet making machine, the one mentioned in the comments above. Multiple square magnets, throws out magnets into a tray. Please send me information on spec and pricing.

  8. Maria Politis says:

    Just wondering if you ship to Australia? Could you please send quote for Magnetic Making Machine?

  9. Vaida says:

    I am interested in purchasing a Tecre magnet making machine…particular the one that makes multiple square magnets at a time – then shoots them out – please could you share info to me over email? Thank you

  10. Waldemar Rogowski says:

    I am interested in purchasing a Tecre magnet making machine…particular the one that makes multiple square magnets at a time – then shoots them out – please could you share info to me over email? Thank you

  11. Rachel says:

    Hello, Do you have any motorized magnet making machines that can accommodate 2×3 rectangular magnets?


  12. Linda Blidell says:

    I’m intrested in the magnet making machine. Do you ship to Sweden?
    Thank you!

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