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Invest in Your Button Making Future with a Leasing Option!

With their ability to produce up to 1,140 buttons per hour, we at Tecre know why our Electric Button Maker Machines are our most sought after products.  Although these highly coveted machines are quite the investment, they are an investment with remarkable payoffs.  Has our esteemed button maker been out of your financial reach? You may be pleased to learn that acquiring one of these machines could be just a quick application away.

While Tecre does not offer its own financing options, we do work closely with the reputable financing agency Geneva Capital, LLC. Some of Geneva’s most significant traits include excellent service with quick response times as well as tailor-made financing programs.

If you follow the steps below, you may be on your way to leasing an electric button maker machine by the end of the day for a low monthly rate!

Gather info.  Find an approximate total for your order either by requesting a quotation from Tecre or by making a cart at

Apply.  Contact Jay Driscoll ( from Geneva Capital, LLC so you can fill out and submit an application.

Wrap it up/Finalize.  Finalize your leasing program with Geneva Capital who in turn will issue a purchase order directly to Tecre!

Geneva Capital, LLC has kept the path to machine ownership a simple and clear one. Through their services, they have helped make Tecre’s Electric Button Maker attainable for anyone.

Are you ready to invest in your button making future?

Please contact us at (920)922-9168 if you have any questions regarding leasing an electric button maker!

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20 Responses to Invest in Your Button Making Future with a Leasing Option!

  1. julio cesar says:

    me interesaria comprar la maquina de botones electrica modelo 152 , si ofrecen algun credito para obtenerla por favor contactarme

  2. Lori Levi says:

    Is this an actual lease with a term or is it a finance contract to purchase? What is the minimum term to lease and what are set up and return fees. Our business focuses on political seasons so we would likely want to return in off years.
    Thank you.

    • Tecre says:

      Thank you for your question! These type of questions should be directed to Marling Leasing. If you click on the link above, there is some contact information for a representative at Marlin that should be able to answer these for you. Thank you!

  3. Mary Cattapan says:

    Hi, I was just wondering is this lease to own?

    • Tecre says:

      Hi Mary! Yes, the leasing companies we have worked with have all arranged lease to own programs with their customers. This is something you can get more information on from either the company above or any leasing company you choose to work with!

  4. Botons says:

    Vocês enviam para o Brasil ?

  5. Botons says:

    How do I buy one? Send to Brazil ?

  6. Lady Magaly Frías Jorquera says:

    Buenas tardes, soy de Chile. Cómo se puede obtener la maquina de botones?? Valor en moneda nacional?

  7. Cindy Lara says:

    Hi I’m interested in the electric button maker, how do I get an application for finance options?

    • Tecre says:

      Hi Cindy, Thank you for your inquiry! You can deal directly with the company listed above if you’d like. Once you contact them, they will walk you through next steps. You may have already have an estimate of the value of the merchandise you are looking to purchase but if not, please feel free to email us at for a quotation.

      Thank you!

  8. PAUL GREGORY says:

    do you have options for UK or is it just in USA

    • Tecre says:

      Hello Paul! We do not currently have a financing company to refer to you in the UK. However, if you are in touch with a company that would provide financing we would be happy to chat with them! Please contact us at (920)922-9168 if you have any questions about this!

  9. Nelson says:

    Hello, I would like to rent the model 152 machine, I can’t find the way to apply, thank you

    • Tecre says:

      Thank you for your message. Tecre does not rent the equipment. The information listed above is for a third party company that offers leasing (financing) options. Please feel free to contact them! If you need help gathering an approximate investment price to get you started with button making, we would be happy to provide you with a quotation. You may contact us at for that information at Thank you!!!

  10. Gris says:


    Is there a discount for teachers. thank you

    • Tecre says:

      I am sorry, there is no discount for teachers in particular. All of our discounts are quantity based and can be seen on the website. Thank you!

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